
Did Josh Groban Sing Hallelujah


Noah Guthrie (Hallelujah, 2014): A smoky, campfire-style take from a 19-year-old YouTube-famous singer whose voice sounds triple the age. An odd fit, but an A- for effort.

  1. Did Josh Groban Sing Mary Did You Know
Did Josh Groban Sing Hallelujah

The topic of music in the church is considered a “hot button” issue. In writing this, I am not trying to spark a controversy; rather, I would like to share with you my own evolution where music is concerned. Some people will be able to identify with me while others won’t have a clue as to what I’m talking about. When I was a small child, my first introduction to music was the music of Ron Hamilton. The Adult Choir of the church I attended always sang songs from Majesty Music. The Children’s choirs always sang Patch the Pirate songs.


The congregational singing was always hymns. The only instrumentation that was used were the piano and organ. I began singing in church when I was very small.

Josh groban to where you are

Did Josh Groban Sing Mary Did You Know

I was so small, that I can remember that a special stool was put behind the pulpit whenever I was supposed to sing, so the congregation could see me better. I usually sang hymns or songs from Patch the Pirate. I always loved music and singing! As I was growing older and reaching my teenage years, my family started going to an IFB church that used Southern Gospel (SG) music.

That church was considered to be “liberal” because of their choice of music. I liked the music.

It was upbeat and lively. The organ and piano were still the only instruments that were used, but they were played in a fast-paced way. I continued singing in church. I had started taking piano lessons a few years before, so I was able to play for some offertories at church.

xenosol – 2019